At Abundant Life, our weekend services are an opportunity for you to connect with God as well as other believers in a casual, inviting atmosphere. Our services include contemporary worship, a relevant message, and a time of ministry and prayer. We offer children’s ministry, infant to 5th grade, at our Sunday services. Times for our weekend service are as follows:

  • Sundays at 9:30 AM & 11 AM
  • YouTube Livestream at 9:30 AM & 11 AM

What to expect

Our Sunday morning services last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. We usually have about 15 minutes of worship, 15 minutes of praying for miracle healing, and 35 minutes of teaching.

At ALC, we believe in Community that leads to Encounters that causes Growth. You can expect all of those characteristics to be part of our services.

We offer ministry for the entire family. We have a children’s ministry for kids ages infant to 5th grade during our Sunday morning services.

Our worship is contemporary and offers a time where you can experience your relationship with God in a real way.

Services are informal; you will find people in jeans, shorts, and casual dress. But if you want to dress up that’s great too.

Come a few minutes early on Sunday mornings and have a cup of coffee on us…you’ll find it located in the kitchen window.